
If you enjoy the technical side of things, please consider buying my book "Left-brain Lutherie" . Although no longer sold by StewMac, you can buy from LMII, MIMF or directly from me.

Lutherie Spreadsheets

    I enjoy trying to write spreadsheets which are useful in challenging my understanding of a particular problem I'm trying to solve when building ukuleles and guitars. I don't in any way view these spreadsheets as the answer to a particular problem, or even examples of sophisticated or economical programming, but rather a source of ideas which others can improve upon or modify for their own particular situation. The programs are as error-free as possible, but may well contain mistakes; I would appreciate any mistakes found being brought to my attention so that I can correct them and put the new version on-line for others to use. Thanks in advance for that... I now use Microsoft Excel for all my spreadsheets.  It seems more readily available to others.  Further, since the files are all fairly small, I've also chosen to keep them as Excel format rather than translate them into *.ZIP files...  There are many more spreadsheets associated with the programs in the Technology section.  Please look from page to page to find out more about them.


I enjoy writing these pages and hope that they are interesting and useful to the reader.  I'm slowing down in my building at this time and still need to generate some income in order to continue to expand this website with more useful articles.  If this page was helpful to you and you would like to make a $5.00 donation in order to have more pages like it, please use the donation button below.  Thank you.

If you like the types of problems discussed in this page, please consider being a participant in the LEFTBRAINLUTHERIE mailing-list.  

    The list is now being managed by Australian luthier Jeremy Locke and is available at:
